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FORXAI Mirror is an access control solution designed to ensure workers use the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These release notes pertain to version 2.3.0.


The FORXAI Mirror was tested on Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS.

The FORXAI Mirror 2.3.0 is supported by the 2.7.0 version of the FORXAI platform.

Improvements and updates

User Types

Introduced User Types, enabling categorization of users by role or work environment to assign specific PPE requirements based on their responsibilities. This feature supports custom safety configurations, ensuring users meet the appropriate PPE standards.


New PPE detections

FORXAI Mirror has been updated with new PPE detections, enabling the identification of additional safety gear violations:

  • image-20241011-130107.png Anti-cut gloves

    Detects if the user is wearing cut-resistant gloves.

  • image-20241011-130354.png Long pants detection

    Detects whether the user's legs are fully covered.

  • image-20241017-122339.png Enclosed shoe detection

    Detects if the user is wearing closed footwear.

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