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Quick start guide

This quick start guide will help you get up and running with the FORXAI Mirror in a few simple steps.

Prerequisites for Deployment

  • Confirm with the customer that they are ready (space for installation, network setup)

  • USB hub, mouse, and keyboard

  • At least 2 RFID cards for testing

  • A prepared CSV file with the card IDs

1. Connect the Mirror to a network.

You have two connection options:

2. Connect to Mirror from your PC.

3. Log In to access the application.

The FORXAI Homepage will be displayed:


The FORXAI Video Vision is used to activate the license and configure the ADAM-6060 device.

The FORXAI Mirror tile provides access to Mirror-specific configurations, including PPE settings and reporting tools.

4. After logging in, Activate the license to enable full functionality.

5. Upload the customer CSV file.

Refer to the User manual to help the customer with create and upload a CSV file with their RFID data.

6. Configure the PPE settings with the customer.

7. (Optional) Connect ADAM-6060

If the Mirror is expected to control hardware like a turnstile, refer to the ADAM-6060 manual for detailed setup instructions.

8. (Optional) Set the time zone

If the Mirror is in a time zone other than CET/CEST, adjust its time zone to display the correct time.

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